Repairs and Maintenance
With years of experience both as Landlords ourselves, and with Landlord clients, we are able to ensure you do the work which is needed for your rental property, whilst also keeping a close eye on spec and cost. We understand that making a good yield from your investment, ensuring the property is maintained and improved as required, and keeping your Tenants happy, is a fine balancing act. We are able to assist in ensuring you achieve this easily with sound advice and good workmanship.
Repairs and maintenance are a normal part of owning a rental property. With a dedicated and well-rounded team of handyman and maintenance experts, we can get any issues sorted fast and with care to your Tenants home, and your bank balance!
We can liaise with Tenants or agents for access, and report back to you on our findings. If it’s a small job which can be done on the spot, we’ll do this too; always ensuring works are carried out with precision and care.
We are experts at helping with those issues which no one else seems to be able to fix. We can help source the cause of that damp, find and fix that leak, repair brick work, replace silicone and grout, repair windows and sash cords; the list goes on and on.
Just give us a call for any small or large issues or works for your rental property, and we’ll sort it out for you.